Monday, September 30, 2019

Is Children’s Development a Universal Staged Process or a Social and Cultural Process?

There are three main approaches to child development, the scientific, the social constructionist and the applied approach. Each of these approaches look at children’s development from a different stand point. I will go on to explore each approach in turn and how they can help us answer the above question. The scientific approach to child development seeks to explain the facts about child development. It does this by devising theories which are then tested through observations and experiments. A classic example of this is Jean Piaget (1896-1890) who was one of the most influential theorists in child development. Piaget built up a theory about how children’s thinking developed; this is usually referred to as his theory on Cognitive development. He proposed that children do not gradually increase their thinking capacity but that they go through a series of stages or transformations in their thinking. Piaget (1932) proposed that there are 4 main stages in a children’s development; sensor-motor (approximately 0-2yrs), pre-operational (approximately 2-6 yrs), concrete operational (approximately 6-12 yrs) and formal operational (12 yrs and over). His approach can be seen today in how the curriculum is sequenced in schools and in the rise of children’s centres across the UK. Piaget used many similar experiments to support his theory. Examples are, children were asked to compare balls of plasticine after one had been rolled into a sausage; another was for children to compare rows of counters where one row had been stretched into a longer line. In each case the younger children appeared to reason that the amount of counters or plasticine had also changed. (Light and Oates, 1990, PP. 101-106). He was trying to show that children aren’t less cognitively developed than adults but they actually think differently. In many of Piaget’s experiments he tried to show how & at what stage do children see things from another’s point of view. One very famous experiment was a construction of a model of 3 mountains. The largest gray and snow capped, the middle sized brown with a red cross on it and the smallest was green with a house on top. Children were then asked to sit on one side of the model with a doll at the opposite side. They were asked to arrange three pieces of cardboard shaped like the mountains. They they were asked to chose the doll’s view from 10 pictures and finally what the doll would see from other view points. Children younger than about 7 were unable to see things from another view point. Piaget’s claims were bold and his theories and experiments have been criticized by developmental theorists. Developmental theorists now recognise that a child’s development is far more complex than the 4 stages Piaget supported. Lawrence Kohlberg (1927-1987) used Piaget’s stage of development as a starting point to suppose a theory about children’s moral development. He used moral dilemmas to study how children develop the capacity to make moral judgments. Kholberg (Kholberg 1967) proposed that there are 6 stages or levels to a child’s moral development, these are grouped into 3 levels with 2 stages in each; preconventional, conventional and principled. It is extremely rare to progress back in stages and each stage must be completed to move onto the next as each stage is more complex than the last. In Kholberg’s experiments children were given moral dilemmas about right and wrong to discover at what stage a child reaches different levels of cognitive capacity. Kholberg and his team started testing 75 boys in the US and went back and tested them at intervals as they grew into adulthood. However, this was not a cross section of US children as no girls were tested. The data from these scientific studies can be used to assess when a child knows right from wrong. These and similar techniques are used today to carry out assessments for courts deciding whether a child can be held criminally responsible. The social constructionist view of child development looks at the ways that childhood is experienced in different situations and circumstances. Different cultures, religions and social economic conditions have different expectations and beliefs around childhood. These have also been different throughout history. For example in Victorian Britain, children were expected to work in the home, field, streets or in factories. However in modern Britain we expect our children to spend much of their childhood learning at school. Another example is, Maya’s (U212 Video 1, band 1) experiences of childhood in the poor area Chittagong being different to the twins Yasir and Yamin’s experiences in middle class Chittagong. Each have different expectations of their roles within society according to their social boundaries, gender, family and beliefs. Central to the social constructionist approach is the concept of competing discourses of childhood. A discourse is a particular way of thinking or a particular view point that is influenced by our gender, language, history, beliefs, experiences and social boundaries. There are numerous discourses but a romantic discourse sees children as inherently good; a child would only do terrible things if damaged in some way. Contrary to this is the puritanical discourse which sees the child as inherently evil, doing evil things because they are wicked and need punishing. Using the social constructionist view allows us to recognise that a child who is a killer can be seen through these two very different discourses either needing therapy or needing punishment. Social constructionists are not about applying facts and time frames to child development, neither is it just about there being different ‘realities’ created by the way people think and make sense of children. It goes far deeper by exploring what these different ‘realities mean in terms of our moral consequences, what we expect, what we believe our outcomes can be and more importantly what our outcomes can’t be, what is hidden from our view and what we are prevented from doing by our constructed society. Rex Stainton Rogers (1992) says of a socially constructed world: ‘But what about childhood?†¦ For example. The children of Longwitten have come to understand that they ‘have to go to school’, that the human made ‘thing’ down the road is a school, that certain activities belong in he classroom, and others in the playground, and so on. The social world works because we share common understandings. ’ Stanton Rogers says (1992) that it is taken for granted that children will go to school and that this appears normal and the right thing to do in our socially constructed world, and that sometimes we fail to question or imagine anything els e outside of this. The third approach is the applied approach. This focuses on practical issues of childhood such as how should we parent out children, what support and services might we need in order to protect them. The applied approach relies on both the scientic and social constructionist approaches when applying theory and research to social policy, the law and professional practise. I have already looked at the romantic and puritan discourses. The romantic discourse believes that children are naturally good, therefore children who commit crime should be rehabilitated which Stuart Asquith (1996) describes as the Welfare model and the puritan discourse the ‘Justice’ model. The welfare model looks at children who do wrong as doing so because they have been mistreated / deprived or having been disadvantaged in some way. These children need nurturing and need our care to overcome these disadvantages. The Justice model looks as children as being responsible when they reach an age where they can be held partially accountable for their crimes. These children need to be treated as criminals and punished accordingly. Asquith’s applied approach draws on both the scientific aspects of children’s moral development and the social constructionist view on how culture and society affect us as humans.. In looking at all three approaches it is clear that they are all complex and interplay greatly with each other. The scientific approach concentrates on identifying universal stages of children’s development. These are a series of stages which all children pass through from immaturity to maturity. The danger is that these can result in a picture of a universal child which is mainly based on a western culture. There is scientific research to determine when a child can be morally responsible for a crime and scientific research has produced lots of data on what reformatory regimes appear to work for young offenders. But we must remember that the child is not a passive participant in this research. The outcomes will depend on both the researchers and child’s social constructions of their worlds. In contrast the social constructionists’ view is that immaturity and maturity are complex constructs that we have made for ourselves depending on a whole range of outside influences, these will be different for each one of us. Children do not develop autonomously from culture and society and take many different routes to maturity depending on many things including gender, culture, religion, and their social and economic circumstances in which they find themselves.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Stress Management Introduction

Stress is a stage produced by a change in the environment that is perceived as challenging, threatening or damaging to the person’s dynamic balance or equilibrium. It is a natural part of life but Hans Selye defines it as â€Å"the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it. † That means good things (for example, a job promotion) to which we must adapt (termed eustress) and bad things (for example, the death of a loved one) to which we must adapt (termed distress). Other individuals explain stress as a person’s physical and psychological reaction to the demands in his or her life.Furthermore, Selye was really onto something. His research proved so interesting and important that he drew a large number of followers. One of these was A. T. W Simeons who related evolution to psychosomatic disease. He also stated that when our self- esteems to threatened, the brain prepares the body with the fight-or-flight response. People use the word â€Å"stressà ¢â‚¬  in various ways: as an external force that causes a person to become tense or upset, as the internal state of arousal, and as the physical response of the body to various demands.In other words, the body reacts to stressors – the things that upset or excite us – in the same way, whether they are positive or negative. In addition, it is further characterized as: (1) it is a product of unpleasant environment emanating from negative experience, (2) it is a person’s response to chaotic set of environment and (3) it is a gap between the requirements of a situation and the ability to meet such. Background of the study In 2008, Reynolds and Turner believed that stress is a multifaceted phenomenon that may even have beneficial effects in some cases.Other researchers have added to the work of Cannon, Selye, Simeons, and others to shed more light on the relationship of stress to body processes. With this understanding has come a better appreciation of which illness es and diseases are associated with stress and how to prevent these conditions from developing. Others also helped clarify the effects of stress. Stewart Wolf demonstrated its effects on digestive function; Lawrence Leshan studied its effects on the development of cancer; Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman identified relationship between stress and coronary heart diseases; and Wolf and Wolff studied stress and headaches.Others in fact have found ways of successfully treating people with stress-related illness. The ABC model which was formulated by Albert Ellis shows how distress is the result of our beliefs about events rather than of the events themselves. According to him, an activating event triggers people to form an irrational or negative belief about it, which in turn shapes the consequences and of the event. On the other hand, a stressor is any stimulus from internal or external environment which challenges the adaptation capabilities of an individual and places a strain upon th e person resulting to a stressful reaction or illness.It has a potential of triggering a fight-or-flight response. As far as anyone can tell, internal psychological stressors are rare or even absent in most animals but present in humans. This stressor for which our bodies were evolutionarily trained is a threat to our safety. We encounter many different types of stressor. Some are environmental (toxins, heat, cold), some psychological (threats to self-esteem, depression), others sociological (unemployment, death of loved one), and still others philosophical (use of time, purpose in life).Now that you know what a stressor is and what stress reactivity is, it is time to define stress itself. Defining stress becomes a problem, even for the experts. Still another view of stress conceptualizes it as the difference between pressure and adaptability. That is, stress = pressure – adaptability. For our purpose, we will operationally define stress as the combination of a stressor and s tress reactivity. Without both of these components, there is no stress. Dr. Hans Selye, one of the first people to study stress, divides people into 2 categories: racehorses and turtles.A racehorse loves to run and will die from exhaustion if it is corralled or confined in a small space. A turtle on the other hand will die from exhaustion if it is forced to run on a treadmill, moving too fast for its slow nature. We each have to find our own healthy stress level, somewhere between that of the racehorse and the turtle. The key in coping with stress is realizing that your perception and response to stressors are crucial. Changing the way you interpret the events or situations – a skill called â€Å"reframing† – can make all the difference.Physical reactions to stress are muscle tension, sweating, over alertness, dry mouth or throat, chest discomfort, sleep problems, fast and shallow breathing and butterflies in the stomach. Emotional reactions to stress are feelin g under pressure, feeling tense and unable to relax, increased tearfulness, feelings of conflict, feeling mentally drained, frustration of aggression, fears of social embarrassment, being constantly frightened, increasing irritability/ complaining, lacking inability to feel pleasure and the Feeling of mentally drained.Dealing with the effects of stress, you can minimize many of the physical effects of stress by utilizing these single self-help techniques. For headache, have a warm bath or lie down quietly for a few hours to relieve it. For palpitations, breathe deeply and slowly to encourage your heartbeat to return to normal. For loss of appetite, eat small portions of food that you find appetizing and take your time eating.For rapid breathing, try â€Å"Breathing to Relax technique† by breathing slowly and deeply through your nose and out to your mouth, expanding your abdomen as you breathe in. For sweating, loosen tight garments and shed any extra layers of clothing. For i ncreased urination, restrict your intake of fluid, especially tea and coffee, if you know you are going to be in a stressful situation and for reduce sex drive, explain to your partner that your loss of interest is temporary and not a rejection of him or her.To Manage stress one should (1) Get priorities right, (2) Exercise regularly, (3) Learn to delegate, (4) Make space for leisure time, (5) Try to develop a social network, (6) Have a proper breaks for meal, (7) Listen carefully to those around you, (8) Try to keep things in proportion, (9) Get to know yourself better and (10) Enjoy yourself, and your family and friends. Statement of the Problem 1. ) Why do people need to know the effects of stress to one’s health? 2. ) How does stress arise among people? 3. ) How can people deal with stress? 4. )How can stress be evaluated? 5. Why do college students more prone to stress than high school students? Objectives of the study This study aims: 1. ) To distinguish the different e ffects of stress to one’s health/being. 2. ) To explain how stress arise among people/ individual. 3. ) To discuss several ways on how people can deal with stress. 4. ) To evaluate stress levels. 5. ) To differentiate college and high school student’s stress probability. Significance of the Study 1. ) Students. It will help them particularly the higher students (the colleges) because they experience several problems, financially, love life, wrong time management and more.Stress has a relation to their academic performance. 2. ) Workers. They experience work blues because of their doubts about their job, their co workers and more. It may be helpful to them. 3. ) Family. It will be helpful to them for different problems like for bills, foods, clothes and other things needed in the family makes the parents or the bread winner stress. 4. ) Government and other institution’s people. Since they are responsible for the welfare of the people, they are prone to stress. D ifferent problems of the community were blamed to them, that’s why this is helpful to them.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Fashion in France during Renaissance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fashion in France during Renaissance - Essay Example The essay "Fashion in France during Renaissance" talks about fashion in the period of renaissance. By the end of the 15th Century, men's Renaissance fashion imposed a short and ornamental mantle, a broad-brimmed hat covered with feathers, and trunk hose, the ample dimensions of which earned for them the name of trousses. Women wore the bodies of their dresses closely fitting to the figure, embroidered, trimmed with lace, and covered with gilt ornaments; the sleeves were very large and open, and for the most part they still adhered to the heavy and ungraceful head-dress of Queen Anne of Brittany.† Females’ dresses became chic and shorter than ever, they wore very colorful garments during the time of renaissance. The female garments were loose and looked chic on the contrary men’s dress was made to be tightly fit and there was a lot of difference in men’s and women’s wear during the time of renaissance. â€Å"During the 16th Century, ladies wore the s kirts of their dresses, which were tight at the waist and open in front, very wide, displaying the lower part of a very rich under petticoat, which reached to the ground, completely concealing the feet. This, like the sleeves with puffs, which fell in circles to the wrists, was altogether a typical Italian Renaissance fashion. Frequently the hair was turned over in rolls, and adorned with precious stones, and was surmounted by a small cap, coquettishly placed either on one side or on the top of the head, and ornamented with gold chains, jewels, and feathers.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Social Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Engineering - Essay Example Meanwhile, the aspect of social Engineering just happening from diverse institutions in the technological world however is not good or evil since it carries both positive as well as negative norms. Many companies usually work based on initiating database for effective delivery of their services and therefore they make sure that their servers are free from malicious hackers as well as avoid any forms of infiltrations on their servers. Social Engineering infrastructure has been affected through internet fraudulent activities. Social engineering is one the artistically as well as scientifically facet that involves skillfully articulations and it is used in diverse professional including, lawyer, students, researchers, psychologists. According to various researchers, social engineering is termed as a collection of various skills and sciences that leads to a certain action (Wilson and Hadnagy, 12-16). Pre-texting In the United Kingdom, pre-texting, also known as blagging as well as bohoin g activities, involves the act of creation and inventing ways to phish out divulging information. Moreover, pre-texting can also be defined as the act of inventing and creating certain traits that makes people perform certain actions. Pre-texting involves anything within imagination context. The rise of internet has majorly affected Pre-texting norm in many ways. Various hackers nowadays use Pre-texting technique as well as method phished from business domains in disclosing customer’s information as well as obtaining various records (Arnold, 20-23). Forms of social Engineering The forms of social Engineering entails the presence of hackers, penetration testers also known as pentester, spies framework, identity thieves, disgruntled employees, scum artists, executive recruiters, salespeople, governments as well as professionals such as lawyers, psychologists, and doctors. Many companies and software vendors are creating hardened as well as complex software, difficult to break i nto. Due to this reason, many hackers have decided to embark on the social engineering facets using the prevailing minor breaches as well as blend engineering attacks to initiate their purposes (Simson and Mitnick, 42-47). In real sense, we find that penetration testers are entity of people who uses black malicious skills in gaining personal information of someone or harming the targeted person. Remote hacking has been one of the major approaches that have been used as a penetration tester also known as pentester, which is offensive in nature. However, based on pentester facet, many organizations in business today uses pentester articulation to ensure that their clients remain secure in terms of their data manipulation. Many governmental organizations utilize social engineering perception by controlling their protocol domains and messaging systems they releases to their workers. Social proof, authorization, and scarcity are one of the social engineering aspects that are utilized, sh owing that social engineering is not always negative (Wilson and Hadnagy, 49-56). Uses of Social engineering Social engineering can be initiated and employed in many areas that pertain aspects of life and affects one positively or negatives depending on the prevailing issue. Generally, social engineering can be malicious or be friendly by either tearing down or building up someone life. Motivation is an aspect that is

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Leadership Apollo 13 movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership Apollo 13 movie - Essay Example One of the key characters in the film is Jim Lovell; whose real name is real life is Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks depicts the qualities of a leader as depicted by DuBrin in his book â€Å"Leadership†. Jim Lovell portrays some of the most appropriate leadership character traits which deal with interpersonal aspects of a leader. According to DuBrin, Leadership has everything to do with motivation and change among other aspects (35). Other aspects that DuBrin classifies as part of a leader’s role are the administrative and planning aspects. Apollo 13 has the appropriate example of how a leader should act when there are challenges, which are unexpected in an organization. Jim Lovell is portrayed as a charismatic leader, one who is quick in action and a fast thinker when there is a crisis. This character trait is evident in one of the scenes where Jim Lovell and other astronauts approach their long awaited destination. Before landing, the craft’s power system starts having a problem and the crew’s supply of oxygen also runs out. This is the time Jim Lovell’s leadership skills are put to the test when the crew begins to panic. The crew members were aware that there was a problem and time was running out. From this scene, viewers get to see Jim Lovell as a democratic leader, as he favors no crew member when they start panicking and each member is allowed to contribute to decision making. As DuBrin indicates in his book, for a person to be considered an effective leader, he or she has to be aware of cer tain tactics of influencing people (263). On page 263, DuBrin’s point is that when such a person has the ability to influence, he has the power as a leader. Jim Lovell is also depicted as a hands-on leader. DuBrin states that hands-on leadership is required in all areas, if the leader is to be classified as an effective leader (250). Lovell is directly involved in the lives of his crew members. This can be evidenced in the beginning of the film, where Lovell decides

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Economics and Business of Insurance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Economics and Business of Insurance - Assignment Example The minimum wage law formulated by the government in London sets the wage above that dictated by market forces. This results in employers hiring few labourers than what they would have employed without the prefixed minimum wage. Examples abound in hotels, restaurants and catering outlets marked by high number of vacancies (Munday 60). Another point that has been identified by Toporowski is that the city politics in U.K. has often led to inefficient resource allocation, thereby resulting in a sub-optimal path of capital accumulation and industrial development (Toporowski 143). According to Economic and Research Council Report 2004-2005, productivity performance of U.K. is not very impressive. U.K. has been haunted by productivity gap for a long time, compared to other countries of the European Union. A number of reasons have been upheld by the Council, which are considered as probable reasons for this less productive nature. They are investment and innovation failure; poor labour relations; over-regulation of business; and lack of entrepreneurship. These factors have kept productivity of the labour low; which in turn has adversely impacted growth of the nation. The problem of productivity gap can be divided into three stages of time; the first phase occurred in 1945, the second in 1973 and the final one in 1990s. This productivity gap exists in the present scenario. The comparison with other European Nations had revealed that in countries like, France and Germany, the capital invested per worker is higher than in U.K. The labourers in these countries also possess higher level of skills compared to U.K. The works of Stephen Broadberry and Mary O’Mahony suggest that long-run stable investments in physical and human capital are necessary for productivity growth. Labour productivity can be hugely boosted if these areas are worked on properly. This report also highlights a host of factors that can contribute to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

MGT599 - Strategic Management, Mod 5 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

MGT599 - Strategic Management, Mod 5 SLP - Essay Example It managed to expand its business on a large scale mainly due to its acquisition of AirTran Holdings in the year 2011 and as at December 31, 2011 the company operated a total of 698 aircrafts that includes 88 Boeing 7171s and 610 Boeing 737s. AirTran Airways is now operated as one of the wholly owned subsidiaries of Southwest Airlines. The company is regarded to be one of the lowest fare domestic airlines in United States and is committed towards providing best Customer Services in the airlines industry. The company encourages employees to express individual ideas to improve performance of the company. Employees are treated as greatest asset for the company and they have the independence to present their feedback in front of management of the company. The company encourages employees to compete against each other to meet performance standard but the competition level is always maintained as a healthy practice to develop personal skills. Although the organization structure works in a centralized manner but communication line follows both top vertical and horizontal approach. Organizational hierarchy of the organization has minimum number of layers to decrease the time for communication process. For example, flight attendants clean the flight themselves in order to save money and time. It is evident from the above mentioned organization structure that vice presidents report to their respective senior vice presidents and senior vice presidents report to CEO of the company. Multiple rol es playing by individual employee is the specialty of the company. The company gives importance on creating separate task force for various activities. They use guidelines for employees to perform daily work and work schedule is prepared according to the requirement. For example, top managers of the company perform as ticket agents, reservation agents or cabin crew member once in every

Monday, September 23, 2019

Final ex - short answer questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Final ex - short answer questions - Assignment Example 2) Budget deficits lead to high interest in the, which in turn reduces the net foreign investment. The reduction in the net foreign investment increases the demand of dollars due to reduction in dollar supply. This makes the E to appreciate in value and reducing the value of NX. 2) The Fed should conduct a policy to stabilize the production of goods and services. In this case the fiscal policy should have aimed at stabilizing the production. The policies should ensure that the prices dont adjust immediately. For an economy in recession, the Keynesian takes the cation of stabilizing output by the use monetary policies and fiscal policies. They believe that the government should take the place of restoring the economic order, but not the private sector. They believe that expansive monetary policies will create employment and fiscal policies will avail more money for lending hence investments and economic order. The classicalists advocate for keeping in order the supply factors to bring economic growth. They emphasize on improving the supply side of production so as to achieve economic growth. In this case the factors of production such as labor and capital should be increased, hence increasing the level of output. They emphasize on the use of market sources to stabilize the economy. Increase in domestic production will lead to large exports, hence export earnings and a favorable balance of payments. The monetarists advocate of growing the supply of money at a low constant rate, in order to maintain the price relatively constant. Emphasize that fiscal policies such as increasing the spending by the government will lead to increased interest rates. The fractional reserve banking was to be blamed for the Great Depression of 1929-1933. The high reserve requirement ratio leads to very minimal withdrawals by the account holders. This in turn made them to have a very minimal amount to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Marketing Plan - Essay Example ignificance of the fast food industry and major factors forming and regulating the industry and the environment under which it experiences its slow but steady and unbroken growth. Location: Location and surroundings of a business place play the most pivotal part in the success or failure of a company. The location for the very first restaurant of this fast food brand is suggested to be selected beside the beautiful lake, seven miles away from the city, where this newly introduced fast food will be launched within few months. The main reason behind establishing this location for the restaurant includes the peaceful and serene atmosphere, which is particularly attractive and appealing to the families, friends, youngsters, lovers and children alike. Hence, the individuals belonging to every age and socioeconomic status will enjoy themselves to drive towards the restaurant offering multiple food and entertainment facilities under an ideal and healthy environment. Targeting & Segmentation of Customers: Since food industry is one of the fastest growing businesses of the contemporary era, targeting and segmentation of the clients and customers is the most imperative strategy for an entrepreneur. Since fast food is particularly appealing to every socioeconomic class as well as age-group, both young and old are the target customers for the restaurant. The restaurant will have to assure the hygiene of the product it offers to its customers, so that it can witness a constant growth for the future years to come. In addition, being a bit away from the commercial and residential areas of the city, the restaurant will have to assure the quality of its product along with presentation of it under a pleasant, eye-catching, jubilant and enjoyable atmosphere, so that the visitors cannot resist the charm it offers to them at their first visit. Nature of Food: The restaurant aims to offer egg rolls, burgers, pizza, fried chicken pieces, nuggets, French fries and other immediately

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Aryabhata I and How He Influenced Math Essay Example for Free

Aryabhata I and How He Influenced Math Essay Aryabhata I was born in Kerala, India, but moved to Kusumapura early in life. His contribution to mathematics and science is vast, from approximating Pi better than anyone in his time period to deducing the Earth is round. He had many scientific and mathematic discoveries, which he wrote about in his book, the Aryabhatiya. He declared that the Earth rotates on its own axis and used logic to determine that this is what created night and day. (Jain) Part of Aryabhata’s fame was brought by his debunking myths of both religious and general varieties. Instead of the previously believed â€Å"fact† distributed by the Hindu priests that it was a demon’s head named Rahu swallowing the sun and moon, Aryabhata proved them wrong by driving the theory that eclipses happen because of the shadow given off by the earth and moon in place of the Hindu myth. Another myth he disproved by declaration was the thought that the moon gave off its own light, giving it the glow that dominated the night sky. In 499 A.D., at age 23, he wrote Aryabhatiya, which would be known as his famous astronomical opus. As a result of his paper, the Gupta dynasty ruler, Buddhagupta, gave him the title of Head of the Nalanda University to recognize his intellect (Kumar). Later, it is believed that he wrote another book, called the Aryabhata-siddhanta, but it is now lost (Jain). The book is split into three parts: the Ganita, which translates to Mathematics; the Kala-Kriya, which contains Time Calculations; and the Gola, which is mainly sphere mathemati cs. The Ganita is astonishing because of its lack of proof concerning the 66 rules it provides (â€Å"Aryabhata I†). Aryabhata’s mind is also the basis of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. He created the equation for finding the circumference of a circle using the radius instead of the diameter, like the Greeks used. For  this equation, C = 2Ï€r2, he had to have a close value for Ï€, which he successfully approximated somehow, and shared his discovery in Aryabhatiya: â€Å"’Add four to one hundred, multiply by eight and then add sixty-two thousand. The result is approximately the circumference of a circle of diameter twenty thousand. By this rule the relation of the circumference to diameter is given.’ In other words, n = 62382/20000 = 3.1416, correct to four rounded-off decimal places† (Jacobs). The advancements on finding the numerical value of Ï€ have dramatically increased since then, having calculated numbers on the upside of 5 trillion. His contributions to the mathematical world are still vast, and his discoveries are the foundation for modern algebr a and through that, most of math overall. Aryabhata I calculated the length of a sidereal rotation and year in his book as well. As for the sidereal rotation, he used the stars to determine that the time per day was 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.1 seconds. The present value is 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.091 seconds. For the sidereal year, he found it to be 365 days, 6 hours, 12 minutes, and 30 seconds, when the modern calculation is a mere 3 minutes and 20 seconds less than Aryabhata’s value. Aryabhata also impacted Trigonometry by his definitions of sine (jya), cosine (kojya), versine (utkrama-jya), and inverse sine (otkram jya). â€Å"He was the first to specify sine and versine (1-cos x) tables, in 3.75 ° intervals from 0 ° to 90 °, to an accuracy of 4 decimal places† (Kumar). The modern names â€Å"sine† and â€Å"cosine† are also believed to be mistranslations of the words introduced by Aryabhata, Jya and Kojya. In the field of Algebra, he provided results for the summation of series of squares: He did not disappoint the series of cubes: As for remembering the great Aryabhata, he has many colleges named after him, such as the Aryabhata Knowledge University in Bihar and the Aryabhata Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIOS) near Nainital, India. India’s first satellite also shared his name. (Kumar) Works Cited Aryabhata I. Medieval History., 2014. Web. 27 Apr. 2014. . Jacobs, James Q. The Àryabhatà ­ya of Àryabhata. The Àryabhatà ­ya of Àryabhata by J. Q. Jacobs. J.Q. Jacobs, 1997. Web. 15 Mar. 2014. . Jain, Ankur. Aryabhatta Biography. Aryabhatta Scientists | Biography. Study Helpline, 2011. Web. 27 Apr. 2014. . Kumar, Amit. Aryabhatta- The Great Indian Mathematician. The Braves and Smarts. Web. 10 Mar. 2014. . OConnor, J.J., and E.F. Robertson. Aryabhata the Elder. School of Mathematics and Statistics University of St. Andrews, Scotland. Nov. 2000. Web. 10 Mar. 2014. .

Friday, September 20, 2019

Economic Analysis of the Wine Industry

Economic Analysis of the Wine Industry Amar Basnet Human beings need different kinds of the materials in order to live day to day life some may have more importance and some may have the less importance. In current business world we can find different kinds of the product of same kind and same use which is called supplement product. Different product has got different nature which is based on the use, quality, based on the producer. But according to the nature of the production product are divided in 3 groups which are as follows: Primary Production: Primary production those products which are produce naturally or the products which are wholly based on the nature are called primary production. Agriculture production is a best example of the primary production. The grapes apple and other which is produce by the farmer is considered as the raw material for wine industry. Secondary production: If the production process is related with the manufacturing than it is considered as the secondary production. For example production of the television, car, electronics items etc is considered as the secondary production. In this production process assembling process are involved in it. There are various process involved in the wine production like crushing, fragmentation, etc. which are done with the help of machine which is considered as the secondary production. Tertiary production: Productions which is related with the services is called the tertiary production. The examples of the tertiary production are education, health facilities, etc. In recent year the wine has become the part of the human life. Drinking the wine is considered as the important ritual of the modern society. In recent world Spain, America France and Italy is considered as the main producer of wine in the world. Spanish wine has got the good reputation in the current wine producing country. The wines are produced by using the naturally produced fruits like grapes, apple and orange and with other fruit of the choice of individual. Spain has got important market place in the current wine business world. They are one of the ancient countries in the world which produce wine since ancient period they are producing the different qualities of the wine with the different price level. They have got the 70 region and they have got the huge wine yard they are considered as the third largest country in the world in the wine production. There are various places which are famous for the wine production like Valencia, Ribera, Del Duero, Penedes, etc. Distribution channel There are 2 kinds of the distribution channel which is found in wine industry are as follows: Direct channel: According to this channel the producer sell the wine to customer without any agent or retailers here there is no involvement of the middleman or agent due to this price will be less or cheap. Long channel: On the basis of this distribution channel the wine is one produce it is given to distributer for example to the wholesaler then it goes to the retailer store, for example to shop, off-licence and other shop only after that it goes to the customer. On basis of this distribution channel there is involvement of the different channel so the price will be high when it reaches to the final customer. Wine production is one of the important businesses in the Spain. In order to produce the wine different processes are involved in the wine production. It has got the historical and cultural value in Spanish society. In order to produce the wine various process are involved in it the process of the wine production are as follows: Harvest: This is the first step involve in the wine production. Grapes are the main raw material for the wine first it should be crossbred and need to b mixed well the grapes must be harvested at the precisely the right time to produce the best wine and many producer harvest their crop by hands in order to produce the quality wine. Now a days the professional wineries harvest according to the taste and colour of grapes. Crushing and pressing: This is the second process that is involved in the wine production process once the grapes or the fruits which are the raw material are harvest they are crushed in the machine but in order to make the wine qualitative the seeds and skin are separated this will help to make the quality wine and helps to add up colour in wine. Fragmentation: This is considered as another important process in wine production. Once the grapes are crushed and pressed then the juice is extracted and the juice is moved into the large container in which yeast is added and fragmentation process starts. It will take 10 to 30 days on; on the basis of the quality of wines the days are determined. Filtering and aging: Once the grapes are fragmented the wine are filtered when the solid and yeast has been removed from the wine and it is distributed in the bottle and case to be aged. There are various aging processes. It is done on the basis of the age and on the basis of bottle. Wine production has got the various processes. For the success of the any wine industry raw material capital input and labour plays the vital role. Raw material For the wine industry grapes, apple, orange and different other fruits and berries are considered as the main raw material. In Spain there are lots of grapes yard and according to climatic condition grapes are favourable product to grow and form economic point of view the Spanish wine producer they select the grapes as their main raw materials because they are produce in Spain and is cheap. Some of the other raw materials are sugar cane, yeast, pulp, acids and tannins and different minerals. Capital input Capital refers to the sum of the money invest in the business in order to produce the goods. For the success of the wine business capital input is considered as the life blood of the business. The fixed assets like machinery, loan from the bank, delivery vans and motors, all the tools and equipment etc are considered as the capital input in the wine business. In order to operate the day to day business capital input is very essential without the capital input the wine production can’t move forward. Due to this reason we can say that capital input plays vital role in success of the wine industry. Labour requirement For the any business qualitative manpower is required. In the wine industry also qualified and experience labour is required. The quality wine producer can operate day to day business as well as can increase the efficiency in the production of the wine this will help in the production of the quality wine. The wine market has become very competitive in order to compete in the competitive market efficient and qualified labour force is required who has potential, which has capacity to increase the efficiency in the work and required those labour force who can understand market situation. For the any business organization cost control and costing process helps to move forward. This is one of the essential factors that help to run the business successfully. In order to produce goods firm use raw materials, factors of the productions which are called input. The expenditure which is occurred in it is called cost. There are two types of the cost variable cost and fixed cost. The cost which doesn’t change with the change quantity output is called fixed cost where as the cost which change with changing output is called variable cost. Fixed cost is normally related with the fixed factor of production where as variable cost is related with variable factor of the production. The example of the fixed cost in the wine industry are wages of the staff, rent, insurance, interest on the fixed capital etc where as the example of the variable cost in the wine industry are wages of the casual labour, expenses of the electricity etc. in the Spanish wine company normally the depre ciation charge for the machine, salary for the permanent staff, insurance for the company are fixed cost they don’t change although they make production high or low. They don’t effect of the annual budgeting because once they are determine they will be same for that entire year . the variable cost change with the change with the per unit production. The electricity charge is one of the good example of the wine industry, when the production is high then lots of electricity is used may be during fragmentation process may be during crushing machine is used the more wine we produce more electricity is used so it change with the changing output. Economy of the scale refers to the decrease in unit cost of a product or service resulting from large-scale operations, as in mass production. This concept of the economy helps the any business organization to run long run and helps in the current competitive global market. If the wine producer can produce the large amount of the wine than they can buy the large amount of the raw materials from the producer if they take in bulk amount then they can get in the cheaper price, once the good and high technology equipment is used the production will high and production cost will be less due to which large scale of the production is successful this will help the producer the qualitative productive product in cheaper price. The economy of the scale can be achieved by hiring the new technology machine, qualified manpower, by increasing the size of company and machine. This will help in reducing the production cost and helps to increase the output. The economy of the scale is thus achievable in the production by the long run production. In order to achieve the economical of the scale the wine producer should emphasis in the increasing the fix cost and decrease the variable cost. So the wine industry should always emphasis to find the qualified labour force which are well known and has experience about wineries, should always try to install the new technology machine which are multipurpose and help to produce the product in the large quantity. Wine has become an important part of the modern society; it has got the cultural, historical and religious importance. Spain is considered as one of the best wine producer country in the world which produces the different varieties of the wine at the different price level. It has been exporting its product in the different countries. Nepal is one of the wine companies where Spain is exporting the wine every year in huge quantity. Wine consumption has increased in the last 10 years. Nepal is one of the tourist destinations for the European and American visitors. Large numbers of the hotel, restaurant, pub, resort are there in Nepal, they import lots of wine from the Spain. Spanish red wine and black level are very popular in Nepal and every year large amount of black level and red wine are exported to Nepal in huge quantity. Although there are lots of barriers, Spain wine producer are supplying its product in Nepal. The only one way to export the wine to Nepal is the air transport due to the geographical territory. They don’t have access to sea there are lots of mountain to reach Nepal so air transport is only one alternative to reach there. To export the goods and product from air is expensive. The export cost is very high because of the high custom duty, tax, vat and the transport cost is very high. Only few wine companies select the Nepal as the market because it is hard to enter in the market. The legal procedure is very hard for the alcoholic product. The rules and regulation is very strict for the wine industry. The custom duty fare is very high and the import and export rules regulation is very strict and hard to follow so only few wine producers they choose Nepal as their target market. Nepal is one of the landlocked countries with big mountain and hills where the climate change is frequent and the air transport get cancelled frequently so summer will be only best time so export the goods. So during the summer large quantity of Spanish wine is exp orted to Nepal. There are only few authorized retailers of wine of Nepal so it is hard to find the market place and hard to export the product due to this also the supply process is very slow. However the demand of the people is high but due to the climatic condition, due to high transport cost, due to the strict rules and regulation regarding the export and import the supply process is very hard. As a whole we can say that Spanish wine industry has got the large market in the world and considered as the third largest country in producing the wine. The wine industry has got the traditional and historical importance still there are many wine industry which are operate in the same way they used to 20 30 years ago. If they can be modernized and if they adopt modern technology and equipment they can gain the economy of the scale and helps to direct the company in the path of success so the wine producer should always should emphasis in the division of labour, should always emphasis in modern technology this will help them to produce the qualitative wine and helps to compete in the market easily.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Importance of Ending Consumerism :: Environment Capitalism Essays Papers

The Importance of Ending Consumerism America is the world’s biggest and most earnest consumer. Within the national culture, there is a tremendous emphasis placed on the acquisition of goods, and subsequently, the cultivation of luxury. The American dream itself implies material gain, the pot of gold at the end (or top) of the socioeconomic ladder. Collectively and personally, Americans identify themselves through consumerist attitudes and practices. Ironically, the price of such consumerism is far greater than the simple cost of any given product; though not necessarily in terms of currency, but that of planetary expense. The harm done to Mother Earth is substantial both in its scope and rate of growth. Luckily, though, it is also avoidable. Clearly, one of the best ways to aid the environment is to eliminate excess. By excess, I mean the needless proliferation of products, elaborate packaging and the waste that such extravagances necessitate. The overuse of fossil fuels in production, waste products created by industry and the damage rendered to the landscape, all direct outgrowths of consumerist practices, contribute to the destruction of our most valuable resources, such as clean water, and air. Still, American society continues to heedlessly grow more and more materialistic each year. As a wealthy and powerful nation, we Americans seem to give credence to the philosophy that if we have the economic means, we should acquire all that we can. This ideology is merely the reflection of another: might makes right. Yet, our government is often intervening in foreign affairs which do not concern our country in an immediate sense; cases in which a weaker nation or group is being victimized by a stronger party, for example, U.S. intervention in the Bosnian conflict in the late 1990s. Thus the contradiction is established between our military or foreign policy and that of our economic patterns and practices. Truly, should not the environment be defended in the same fashion as the weaker nations to whose defense we rush as a matter of custom? The present state of the environment in America demonstrates an acute lack of foresight and an abundance of greed. Depressing though it may be, it is time that we, as nation, came together to truly evaluate the problem. Additionally, it is time that we eliminated the wheat from the chaff of our lives, the harmful luxury from the necessity.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Fran Dorn :: essays research papers

Fran Dorn, the host of our video, is an intellectual person who holds a special appreciation for all forms of literature. She graduated with a master’s degree in theatre from a New York school and is now an actress who enjoys reading in her spare time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Fran views each work of literature as a gift. She states that literature is very hard to define and that although each reader must find his or her own definition of literature, we can examine how and why literature works. Throughout the video, many views on literature are offered. Fran concludes that although literature comes in many forms, it must have a written quality to it. She believes that this creates a relationship between the author and the reader of the piece. As the reader makes his or her way through a piece of literature, Fran feels new worlds are opened and the reader is enriched through the experience of literature. All literature has meaning, but it means different things to each person because we each bring in different experiences. Fran concludes that literature has great meaning because it is written not only from the author’s mind, but also from the author’s heart; the whole person is involved in writing. I feel Fran would have us regard literature in the same way that she does. Fran desires for us to consider the meaning and value in each piece. She would like us to appreciate the value of literature and to discover the joy in it that she treasures.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The critics on our videotape offer three different interpretations of Nicki Giovanni’s poem â€Å"Woman†. I found the first critic’s viewpoint to be the most reasonable, logical interpretation. Alvin Aubert, a professor of English at Wayne State University, feels that the poem was written in a satirical tone with an emphasis on how women are not taken seriously in the world today. However, he also concludes that at the end of the poem, the woman has decided to accept this. Even though she is not taken seriously as a woman, she will still continue to be a woman.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I agree with Aubert’s point of view because I feel there is evidence in the poem to support his interpretation. Throughout the poem, each time the woman wanted to be something, the man rejected that role for her, thus not taking her seriously, nor recognizing her value in that rule. Fran Dorn :: essays research papers Fran Dorn, the host of our video, is an intellectual person who holds a special appreciation for all forms of literature. She graduated with a master’s degree in theatre from a New York school and is now an actress who enjoys reading in her spare time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Fran views each work of literature as a gift. She states that literature is very hard to define and that although each reader must find his or her own definition of literature, we can examine how and why literature works. Throughout the video, many views on literature are offered. Fran concludes that although literature comes in many forms, it must have a written quality to it. She believes that this creates a relationship between the author and the reader of the piece. As the reader makes his or her way through a piece of literature, Fran feels new worlds are opened and the reader is enriched through the experience of literature. All literature has meaning, but it means different things to each person because we each bring in different experiences. Fran concludes that literature has great meaning because it is written not only from the author’s mind, but also from the author’s heart; the whole person is involved in writing. I feel Fran would have us regard literature in the same way that she does. Fran desires for us to consider the meaning and value in each piece. She would like us to appreciate the value of literature and to discover the joy in it that she treasures.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The critics on our videotape offer three different interpretations of Nicki Giovanni’s poem â€Å"Woman†. I found the first critic’s viewpoint to be the most reasonable, logical interpretation. Alvin Aubert, a professor of English at Wayne State University, feels that the poem was written in a satirical tone with an emphasis on how women are not taken seriously in the world today. However, he also concludes that at the end of the poem, the woman has decided to accept this. Even though she is not taken seriously as a woman, she will still continue to be a woman.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I agree with Aubert’s point of view because I feel there is evidence in the poem to support his interpretation. Throughout the poem, each time the woman wanted to be something, the man rejected that role for her, thus not taking her seriously, nor recognizing her value in that rule.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Handmaids Tale Essay -- essays research papers

Does the women of Gilead know that they are being controlled?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Are the women of Gilead aware that they are being controlled by the society? In Margaret Atwood ¡Ã‚ ¯s The Handmaid ¡Ã‚ ¯s Tale, the theme of control is a very important factor of the book. In the story, at the Republic of Gilead, the women are being controlled by the society to do what the society wants them to do. The handmaids are brainwashed before they start working for the society. But since the brainwashing happens so naturally over a period of time, the handmaids don ¡Ã‚ ¯t fully realize that they have been brainwashed by the society to do what the society wants them to do.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The theme of control and being brainwashed could be found in many parts of books in many forms. For example, before the women became handmaids, they were at a institution where they get educated and influenced by the aunts on how they should live their lives. In the institution, the aunts treat the women like children.  ¡Ã‚ °But whose fault was it? Aunt Helena says, holding up on plump finger. ¡Ã‚ ±(93), aunts ask such questions, which leads the women to think the way the society wants them to think.  ¡Ã‚ °Her fault, her fault, her fault, we chant in unison. ¡Ã‚ ±(94), and the women repeats the answer out loud as a whole as if they were young kindergartners, and by doing so, they are being influenced and brainwashed. By treating them like children and making them repeat after what they say, they slowly ...

Monday, September 16, 2019


IntroductionTechnically talking cyberspace is a planetary web of interrelated webs. All most all of these webs holds files such as web pages, that can be accessed by all other networked computing machines. Every computing machine or any device like cell phone etc which is connected to internet hold the ability to direct and have files in the signifier of electronic mails or another file extensions over the cyberspace. And therefore the people all over the universe are connected ever. If we place internet in the historical context and so critically examines the consequence of cyberspace usage on the societal relationships so we could see that the effects of cyberspace usage are mostly depended on peculiar ends such as self-expression or competition. In 1998, Kraut and his co-workers cited a correlativity between the cyberspace usage and diminutions in societal relationships. After old ages the same group of people did a survey on the original sample group and founded out that the nega tive effects of utilizing cyberspace had dissipated and besides it suggested that the cyberspace had a really positive consequence on societal and psychological well-being of the modern people. Here my purpose or aim is to critically analyze the work done by Bo Xie on the subject The common defining of online and offline societal relationships. The writer of this subject is Dr. Bo Xie, ( PhD, Rensselaer Polytechnic ) Assistant Professor in college of information surveies under the University of Maryland. She has published a figure of books on information direction. Her Research Interests are in Health information sciences ; older grownups ‘ acquisition and usage of computing machines and the Internet ; computing machine literacy ; womb-to-tomb acquisition ; civic battle ; volunteering ; societal relationships ; societal support ; on-line communities ; wellness and wellbeing ( hypertext transfer protocol: //terpconnect.umd. Edu/~ boxie/ ) .As a decision of my critical analysis I came to cognize that cyberspace has both positive and negative effects on the societal relationships in the modern world.Some of the positive effects are like on-line chatting, which will make new friendly relationships and relationships which besides helps in buttocks in touch with old friends.The same chatting could be the demerit when it creates uneconomical relationships between people while chew the fating in the net for long hours. The positive effects of the cyberspace on the societal relationships may be important but the demerits of utilizing cyberspace might be destructiveMETHOD OF EVALUATIONIn the method of rating of the research writer had interviewed 30 three participants from OldKids administration whom falls under old age group and different educational backgrounds. Here the writer tries to indicate out two civilization specific groups. First -informed by anthropologists on the observation that the ageing experience difference over civilizations and these participan ts were non selected by age but by self designation. It contained Chinese citizens. Second-retired Chinese participants. In the research the writer speaks about the societal relationships in the cyberspace age and the societal relationships in the ulterior life. She says that the usage of cyberspace in this age reduces societal relationship and increases the societal isolation. The surveies reveal that this construct was accepted before old ages but now the on-line relationships are more dependable, realistic, low cost and easy approachable than in older yearss. She describes that the digital universe or the internet age is wholly independent on on the offline or the physical universe. This is a true fact and the two universes are wholly different from each other with their ain advantages and disadvantages.The practical universe helps each individual to get the better of from the corporal restraints such as sex, age, race and nationality and gives a quite environment from the outrea ch of the physical universe. But there is besides a opportunity of acquiring attracted more towards sexy relationships as the online users could go through their message unashamedly as they are non seeing each other face to face. The usage of online dealingss besides creates phase frightness in kids. The practical universe creates the same state of affairss predominating in the physical universe. This hypothesis is right from my point of position as well.Now we could make any thing in the practical universe that is go oning in the physical universe expect from the point of physical contacts. More late the computing machine people had created even practical lottos were a user could do a profile with a a character and that character could interact with the other characters whom are created by other users. From the groundss and the mentions the writer argues that the societal relationships created or formed and maintained through electronic mail are perceived by persons are less valuab le than the relationship created by the one to one face to face and telephonic relationships. This hypothesis is non wholly acceptable as there are many grounds of people acquiring more and more engaged in relationships which is created through internet.But the hypothesis is acceptable from the point of position that people even ca n't retrieve even the names of their on-line friends. The encouraging nature of the friendly relationship is really less or seldom seeable in online relationship.Evidences shows that friendly relationship is more affiliated in the ulterior life of older grownups. The practical online friends tries to run into and mix in the physical universe of dealingss. Therefore on-line friends tends to run into their friends physically face to confrontTECHNIQUES USED FOR GATHERING DATA AND ANALYSISThe techniques used for the aggregation of informations to back up my observations were perfectly secondary that is by reading the books, journels and and besides surfing in the cyberspace as the nature of the assignment is to critically analyze. As we analyse the informations available we could state that the research done by Dr.Bo Xie had some few restrictions. The first 1 is that it has concidered merely the people from China as the samples. The usage of cyberspace for doing relationships in China may be different from other parts of the universe. As China is technologically frontward than many other states the online dealingss could be more in China than in other countries.Second one is that the research selected merely 30 three participants which is non sufficient for a good research to be conducted. But the technique used was random sampling which could supply with better consequences. The information aggregation would be better if it could make an online trying which includes the people from other parts of the universe were there usage of cyberspace is non so common. Third one is that the samples contained merely old people and it wholly avoided the new coevals which decidedly would make a interruption through in the research. The information analysis for this survey was controlled by grounded theory where the information aggregation and analysis occurs at the same time to guarantee the coevolution of the informations and the theory.After interview with each individual the writer writes a short description about the provender back including the clip and location of the interview.Its a long procedure of doing a research which takes much clip but helps to include each and every minute inside informations of the observation. Then the analysis showed that the demand to run into offline is in relation with the demand to cognize more about computing machines and besides to mix with the friends in the same age group in the physical universe. It besides resulted in formations of some nines as good. Internet helped the people to link with the equals who were physically far off who were non in range to the old people. This is beside s an acceptable fact but we should concider one point that cyberspace is non available in rural parts of most of the universe.LITERATURE REVIEWâ€Å" Greater usage of the Internet was besides associated with little, but statistically important diminutions in societal engagement as measured by communicating with the household and the size of people ‘s local societal webs, and with additions in solitariness, a psychological province associated with societal engagement † . ( Kraut et al,1998 ) † A 2nd survey was so done on new buyers of computing machine and telecastings, and it besides showed that the cyberspace had a positive consequence on societal and psychological wellbeing. Unsurprisingly, this was more marked for extraverts and more socially connected people † . ( Kraut et al ) † Results of a new three twelvemonth survey are the first to uncover the societal effects of life in a highly-wired, broadband vicinity. This research addresses recent invol vement in the effects of Internet usage on relationships with friends, relations and neighbours. The cardinal determination is that populating in a wired vicinity with entree to a high-velocity local web encourages greater community engagement, expands and strengthens local relationships with neighbours and household, and helps keep ties with friends and relations populating further off † . ( Prof. Keith Hampton and Prof. Barry Wellman )MAIN ARGUMENTSMain statement gives the strength and failing of the research.StrengthsThe research has good explained how the online dealingss helped older people in happening their old equals and doing new friends who are physically excessively far off from them. The theory used for the research that is the land theory has strongly supported the findings and observations of the writer. The interviews were conducted in deepness and it has taken down all the points without any girl at the clip of the interview.The analysis is so clear that every one could understand it without much difficulty.The research clearly mentions how the cyberspace helped the old people in doing a new on-line universe of their own.The resarch gives mentions to many great books and writers to do it more reliable.It discusses the subject with a narrative which the brand the readers more amused.FailingThe research discusses merely the positive facets of old people utilizing internet.The study done was non a random study which decreases the truth of the research. The figure of individuals selected for the research were really less like 30 three and besides the members were selected from China only.The research did non give any single inside informations of the interviewees and it merely give merely an lineation of a broader topic.The cyberspace is largely used by pupils adolescents etc who were non involved in this research.So there is a opportunity of acquiring inaccurate or even incorrect dimensions to the research.It besides non references about wha t happens in the other parts of the universe where there is merely a limited entree to internet.DISCUSSION AND EVALUATIONThis research subject is more relevent to the modern universe while measuring deeply and is a must discussed topic.Firstly the usage of cyberspace to do equals for the old people is a subject which accurate to the modern universe of emphasis and tenseness. Due to the addition in figure of cyberspace users the universe becomes familiar to each individual.The subject is of import because in close hereafter cipher might be there who does n't cognize how to work with cyberspace. The groundss put frontward by the research worker are all valid and the theory and the state of affairs used are really supportive.The decision or the result of the research is sufficient in giving the thought of the subject. The research is crystalline that the techniques used are quite appropriate and is been justified. Though the analysis was good the informations aggregation was non upto t he grade but besides resulted in better result. The methodological analysis is widely accepted type and sounds proper to the predominating situation.Critically analyzing is the best manner to construe a research and besides it helps in bring forthing better results and a modified hereafter to the stakeholdersDecisionThis critical reappraisal comes into the decision that the research has a positive attitude towards the online relationship at the same clip it accepts the physical relationship as good. The purpose of the research was to distinguish between online and offline relationship and it has done its occupation with flawlessness. The research is dependable, acceptable and adds value to the future universe. The findings are based and built on theories so they are accurate.the theory shows that the figure of people attracted towards online relationship is increased due to its positive facets. Though on-line relation creates a practical distance between the people it creates an con sciousness that we are one. The most polished quality of the subject falls in the relevant nature of the hosen subject. The consequences obtained can be used in most of the states though it can non be used in some of the rural parts of the universe. The restrictions of the research are overcome by the relevancy and importance of the subject. The research gives great part to the modern universe of computing machine. So the cogency of the subject is really high.

Capital Budgeting Process Essay

Capital budgeting is one of the most important financing tools used to examine expenditures and future projects in the capital spending and to budget for projects and all other analysis of spending for the future. This gives a heads up for healthcare managers to control their spending not only for capital expenditures but other spending such as payments and utilities for the organization. Capital budgeting is a large process that takes many different aspects to run. While capital budgeting is one of the most important aspects in healthcare finance, it is also a broad topic. A bond is a financing tool that is used when an issuer gives a statement to the payee for money and an interest payment is made to the payee at certain times. When an organization goes through the process of issuing a bond, they go through six major steps to accomplish bond issuing and determine whether this is the best decision at the time. Before issuing a bond, the issuer examines their capital plan and determines whether a bond is needed financially. Next, the issuer looks at the options for payees within bond issuance and is then examined by a credit rating agency to see if their credit score is high enough to issue a bond. After being examined by the credit rating agency, the bond itself is examined by the agency and after it is approved, the borrower is given terms and conditions to accept from the borrower. The last step that an organization must go through to issue is to sell the bond. These are sold to the payer where they give the money needed for the specific amount. While bonds are a great way to manage debt and become financially secure, leasing is another way that healthcare facilities manage their debt. Leasing refers to a contract where the lessee pays the owner rent or money for assets for a contracted time where the contract can be renewed and reinstated for longer term usage of those assets. Leasing is undertaken primarily because they don’t have to take care of the maintenance that comes with leasing assets. The owner of the machinery, facility, equipment or anything else that can be leased must continue routine maintenance saving the facility money on expenditure amounts within the spending area. If a facility is struggling for money, there are options such as bonds and leasing to decrease costs and increase the needed funds. There are two major types of leases that healthcare facilities must understand which are capital leases and operating leases. A capital lease, or financial lease, is used to lease assets for as long as the asset will remain available and running. The lessee is required by the contract of the lease to pay for the assets being used as long as the lease is in motion. Operating lease is almost the opposite of a capital lease. Operating leases are used for terms that are usually breakable and shorter than the assets given period of operation. Short term borrowing is a term used to describe when a company is in debt for a term of one year or less. These debts are usually paid back in that year and are usually short term bank loans that are used to finance a company. Long term financing is the exact opposite of a short term loan. It is used when a company needs to be financed for longer than one year or will not be paid back within that year. It can be from a single loan or multiple loans and is used when there are no plans or availability to have these loans paid back within the year. Equity financing sources for nonprofit organizations include internally generated funds, philanthropy, and government grants. These are used to finance and support organizations that are non profit and that help those in need. Today, more and more organizations are becoming nonprofit and are used by their own money, grants and loans and stocks and bonds. These are all primary sources for nonprofit organizations to keep serving communities in the healthcare world. Capital Budgeting process does occur in several extensive stages that include many different objectives for projects and programs for healthcare organizations. These generally include expenditures and the budget that comes along with those steps. These are used so that there are different views of the budget and what needs to be completed and examined in order to see the direction headed. Three discounted cash flow methods that are used include net present value, profitability index and equivalent annual cost. Net present value is the amount of the investment compared to incomes after the discount has been applied. (Cleverley, 529). The profitability is the ratio of the NPV and investment costs. (Cleverley, 533). This is used to compare rates of return on capital budgeting. Finally, the equivalent annual cost is the spending of the project compared to the capital spending and the operation costs when not leased but fully owned.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Point of View in ‘Little Things’ by Raymond Carver

Raymond’s ‘Little Things’ is a very short but interesting story that draws our attention to the problems couples may face in their marital life. It narrates an incidence of a quarrel between a husband and a wife that escalates to the point that it reaches the child and the couple is portrayed fighting for the possession of the baby. Now each parent is pulling on an arm causing him symbolic physical injury;†he felt the baby slipping out of his hands and he pulled back very hard†.From a narrative point of view, Raymond Carver uses in this story a third person narrator; an objective narrator, who relates information that is easily visible. The narrator in fact remains outside the actions of the story, seemingly neutral . I mean characters stand out more in the story rather than the narrator describes their situations. The narrator cannot tell us about the characters’ thoughts or feelings(through the whole story there is no explicit description of f eelings or thoughts, but only actions are reported to us).This is in fact like a camera eye, just like watching a movie where the only information you get is what you can see or hear. It is quite important as well to notice here that there is no moving backward or forward of actions or thoughts as the narrator consciously chooses not to raise his voice. The only voices we hear in this part of the story are the voices of the characters.Not bearing in mind of course the first paragraph of the original story where the narrator’s voice is raised to make symbolic comments on his character’s moral dilemma, like saying for instance: â€Å"But it was getting dark on the inside too†, it is not surprising, that Carver enshrouds their violence in darkness, as their struggle threatens , most important, to tear the infant apart. It is through the unraised voice, indeed, that we are told a lot about situations that many people can find themselves in( and Carver himself was on e of them).We are invited in ‘Little Things’ to create and develop our own rationale for the actions of the characters and the consequent results, for a big part of the narrative may take place beneath the surface. It is from beneath the surface, indeed ,that Carver creates a powerful sense in us of man’s lack of communication ,and exhibition of selfishness, of the harm couples can cause to their children in such an unfortunate situation , and of Carver’s suggestion that a warm and emotional argument between a couple will quickly reach a logical and peaceful end..Surely not our characters’ end where ‘the issue was decided’ . We do not know in fact which issue was decided, is it the separation itself? , the baby’s injury? , or even his death? .We surely know, however, it is akin to the pure ‘snow’ , ‘melting into dirty water’, as mentioned in the beginning of the story.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Thirteen

Bonnie clutched the banana-nut muffin to her chest as if it was some kind of sacred offering. She just could not bring herself to knock on Matt's door. Instead, she turned big pleading brown eyes on Meredith and Elena. â€Å"Oh, Bonnie,† Meredith muttered, reaching past her, shifting the pile of bagels and the carton of orange juice she was carrying, and rapping loudly on the door. â€Å"I don't know what to say,† Bonnie whispered back, agonized. Then the door opened, and Matt appeared, red-eyed and pale. He seemed somehow smal er and more hunched into himself than Bonnie had ever seen him. Overwhelmed with pity, she forgot al about being nervous and launched herself into his arms, dropping the muffin in the process. â€Å"I'm so sorry,† she choked out, tears running down her face. Matt held on to her tightly, bending over and burying his head in her shoulder. â€Å"It's okay,† she said final y, desperately, patting the back of his head. â€Å"I mean, no, it's not †¦ of course it's not †¦ but we love you, we're here.† â€Å"I couldn't help him,† Matt said dul y, his face stil pressed against Bonnie's neck. â€Å"I tried my best, but he died anyway.† Elena and Meredith joined them, wrapping their arms around Matt from either side. â€Å"We know,† Elena said, rubbing his back. â€Å"You did everything you could for him.† Matt pul ed out of their arms eventual y and gestured around the room. â€Å"Al this stuff is his,† he said. â€Å"His parents don't feel like they're ready to clear out his things yet, they told the police. It's kil ing me to see it al stil here when he's not. I thought about packing it up for his parents, but there's a possibility that the police might want to look through his stuff.† Bonnie shuddered at the thought of what Christopher's parents must be going through. â€Å"Have something to eat,† Meredith said. â€Å"I bet you haven't eaten for ages. Maybe it'l help you feel better.† Al three girls fussed around, fixing the breakfast they'd brought for Matt, then convincing him to taste something, anything. He drank some juice and picked at a bagel, his head lowered. â€Å"I was at the police station al night,† he said. â€Å"I had to keep going over and over what happened.† â€Å"What did happen?† Bonnie asked tentatively. Matt sighed. â€Å"I real y wish I knew. I just saw somebody dressed in black running away from Christopher. I wanted to chase him, but Chris needed my help. And then he died. I tried, but I couldn't do anything.† His forehead creased into a frown. â€Å"The real y weird thing, though,† he said slowly, â€Å"is that, even though I saw a person running away, the police think Christopher was attacked by some kind of animal. He was †¦ pretty ripped up.† Elena and Meredith exchanged an alert glance. â€Å"A vampire?† said Meredith. â€Å"Or a werewolf, maybe?† â€Å"I was wondering about that,† Matt admitted. â€Å"It makes sense.† Without seeming to notice, he finished his bagel, and Elena took advantage of his distraction to slip some fruit onto his plate. Bonnie wrapped her arms around herself. â€Å"Why?† she asked. â€Å"Why is it that, wherever we go, weird, scary things happen around us? I thought that once we left Fel ‘s Church things would be different.† No one argued with her. For a little while, they al sat quietly, and Bonnie felt as if they were huddling together, trying to protect themselves from something cold and horrible. Final y, Meredith reached out and took an orange slice off Matt's plate. â€Å"The first thing we need to do, then, is to investigate and try to figure out if these attacks and disappearances are supernatural.† She chewed thoughtful y. â€Å"As much as I hate to say it, we should probably get Damon on this. He's good at this kind of thing. And Stefan should know what's going on, too.† She looked at Elena, her voice gentle. â€Å"I'l talk to them, okay, Elena?† Elena shrugged. Bonnie could tel she was trying to keep her expression blank, but her lips were trembling. â€Å"Of course,† she said after a minute. â€Å"I'm sure they're both checking things out anyway. You know how paranoid they are.† â€Å"Not without reason,† Meredith said dryly. Matt's eyes were wet. â€Å"Whatever happens, I need you to promise me something,† he said. â€Å"Please, be careful. I can't – let's not lose anyone else, okay?† Bonnie snuggled closer to him, putting her hand on his. Meredith reached over and placed her hand over both of theirs, and Elena added hers to the pile. â€Å"We'l take care of one another,† Elena said. â€Å"A vow,† said Bonnie, trying to smile. â€Å"We'l always watch out for one another. We'l make sure everyone is safe.† At that moment, as they murmured in agreement, she was sure they could do it. Meredith pivoted and stepped forward, swinging her staff down to strike at Samantha's heavily padded knees. Samantha dodged the blow, then jabbed her own staff straight toward Meredith's head. Meredith blocked the blow, then thrust her staff at Samantha's chest. Samantha staggered backward and lost her footing. â€Å"Wow,† she said, rubbing her col arbone and looking at Meredith with a mixture of resentment and appreciation. â€Å"That hurt, even with the padding. I've never trained with anyone so strong before.† â€Å"Oh, Well,† Meredith said modestly, feeling absurdly pleased, â€Å"I practice a lot.† â€Å"Uh-huh,† Samantha said, eyeing her. â€Å"Let's take a break.† She flopped down on the mat, and Meredith, her staff balanced lightly in one hand, sat beside her. It wasn't her staff, of course, not her special hunting one. She couldn't bring her heirloom slayer staff to the gym – it was too clearly a customized deadly weapon. But she'd been delighted to learn that Samantha could fight with a four-foot-long jo staff and that she had an extra. Samantha was quick and smart and fierce, one of the best sparring partners she'd ever had. Fighting, Meredith was able to block out the helpless feeling she'd had in Matt's room this morning. There was something so pathetic about seeing al Christopher's things sitting there ready for him, when he was never coming back. He had one of those weird little fake Zen gardens on his desk, the sand neatly groomed. Maybe just the day before, Christopher had picked up the tiny rake in his hand and smoothed the sand, and now he'd never touch anything again. And it was her fault. Meredith squeezed her staff, her knuckles whitening. She had to accept that. If she had the power of being a potent force against darkness, a hunter and slayer of monsters, she had the responsibility, too. Anything that got through and kil ed someone in her territory was Meredith's failure and her shame. She had to work harder. Practice more, go out patrol ing the campus, keep people safe. â€Å"Are you al right?† Samantha's voice broke through Meredith's thoughts. Startled, Meredith saw Samantha staring at her with wide, solemn dark eyes, taking in Meredith's gritted teeth and clenched fists. â€Å"Not entirely,† said Meredith dryly. â€Å"Um.† She felt like she had to explain her grimness. â€Å"Did you hear about what happened last night, the guy who was kil ed?† Samantha nodded slowly, her expression unreadable. â€Å"Well, he was the roommate of a real y good friend of mine. And I was with my friend today, trying to help him. It was †¦ upsetting.† Samantha's face seemed to harden, and she scrambled up on her knees. â€Å"Listen, Meredith,† she said, â€Å"I promise you this isn't going to happen again. Not on my watch.† â€Å"On your watch?† Meredith asked mildly. Suddenly, it felt hard to breathe. â€Å"I have responsibilities,† Samantha said. She dropped her eyes to her hands. â€Å"I'm going to catch this kil er.† â€Å"It's a big job,† Meredith said. It wasn't possible, was it? But Samantha was such a good fighter, and what she was saying †¦ why would she think she was responsible for stopping the kil er? â€Å"What makes you think you can do it?† she asked. â€Å"I know this is difficult to believe, and I shouldn't even be tel ing you, but I need your help.† Samantha was looking straight into her eyes, practical y vibrating with earnestness. â€Å"I'm a hunter. I was raised to†¦ I have a sacred trust. Al my family for generations, we've fought against evil. I'm the last of us. My parents were kil ed when I was thirteen.† Meredith gasped, shocked, but Samantha shook her head fiercely, pushing Meredith's sympathy away. â€Å"They hadn't finished training me,† she continued, â€Å"and I need you to help me get better, get faster. I'm not strong enough yet.† Meredith stared at her. â€Å"Please, Meredith,† Samantha said. â€Å"I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. People are depending on me.† Unable to stop herself, Meredith started to laugh. â€Å"It's not a joke,† Samantha said, jumping to her feet, her fists clenched. â€Å"This is†¦ I shouldn't have said anything.† She stalked toward the door, her back as straight as a soldier's. â€Å"Samantha, wait,† Meredith cal ed. Samantha whirled back toward her with a face ful of fury. Meredith took a quick breath and tried desperately to remember something she'd learned as a child but never had occasion to use. Crooking her pinkies together, she drew up her thumbs to make a triangle, the secret sign of greeting between two hunters. Samantha just stared at her, face perfectly blank. Meredith wondered if she remembered the sign correctly. Had Samantha's family even taught it to her? Meredith knew there were other families out there, but she had never met any of them before. Her parents had left the hunter community before she was born. Then Samantha, moving as quickly as she ever had when they'd sparred, was before her, gripping her arms. â€Å"For real?† Samantha said. â€Å"Are you serious?† Meredith nodded, and Samantha threw her arms around her and clutched her tightly. Her heart was beating so hard that Meredith could feel it. Meredith stiffened at first – she wasn't the touchy-feely type, despite being best friends with wildly affectionate Bonnie for years – but then relaxed into the hug, feeling Samantha's slim, muscular body under her arms, so like her own. She had the strangest feeling of familiarity, as if she had been lost and had now found her true family at last. Meredith knew she could never say any of that, and part of her felt like she was betraying Elena and Bonnie just by thinking that way, but she couldn't help it. Samantha pul ed away, smiling and weepy, wiping at her eyes and nose. â€Å"I'm acting stupid,† she said. â€Å"But this is the best thing that ever happened to me. Together, we can fight this.† She gave a half-hysterical sniff and gazed at Meredith with huge shining eyes. â€Å"I feel like I've made a new best friend,† she said. â€Å"Yes,† Meredith said – not weeping, not laughing, cool as ever on the outside but, inside, feeling like she was breaking into happy pieces – â€Å"yes, I think you're right.†

Friday, September 13, 2019

Smoking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Smoking - Research Paper Example To understand and minimize the number of smokers, it is relevant to reduce the number of new smokers (Lindson et al., 2011). Studies show that people who smoke acquire the habit from close friends or parents. Generally, having a close person who is a smoker significantly increases the chances of a person ending up smoking. Mohammed, a cigarette addict confesses, â€Å"I got this bad habit from old brother.† He also got the urge to start smoking from his father and his best friends (Mohammed, 2013). The continued exposure to smokers was the main reason why Mohammed was compelled to start smoking. For this reason, the focus group in prevention measures has to be the closest people (Lindson et al., 2011). According to Mohammed, most people who smoke regret ever starting to smoke because they are unable to stop. Their biggest problem is that due to addiction, they are imprisoned by the vice and are unable to pull out. Mohammed claims â€Å"Smoking almost two packs a day has caused different heal problems to me.† In his statement, it is clear that he attributes deteriorating health to his habit of smoking. He enjoys swimming, but due to the effect of smoking on his lungs, he easily gets tired and his attempts are labored (Mohammed, 2013). Khalid is another smoking addict. He started smoking when he was 14 years old. The main reason that compelled him to start smoking was his older cousin. He attributed his ‘coolness’ to smoke and therefore tried it to be cool (Khalid, 2013). This demonstrates that peer pressure plays a big role in introducing people to smoke. The pressure originates from the people around them. Like Mohamed, Khalid had health issues; he is unable to engage in physical exercises. He easily tires and the effects affect his social life because his family has to deal with medical issues that result from his smoking Khalid says, â€Å"I regret every

Thursday, September 12, 2019

By studying the particular situation in somalia,illustrate how poverty Essay - 1

By studying the particular situation in somalia,illustrate how poverty links with conflict and vice versa ,and suggest ways in which international organisations can help realistically and effectively - Essay Example This led to a period when the country underwent a form of decentralization as independent regional governments were formed in the North by different groups (Thomashausen, 2002). The war against the ruling Somali government began near the end of the 1970s when the then socialist government began seeking out individuals suspected of taking part in the attempted coup dà ©tat of 1978 and executing them. Though the government captured many of these individuals who were military and government officials, a number of them managed to escape and flee the country (Degu, 2007). These ex officials began to form the first dissident groups that were determined to see Major General Mohamed Siad Barre, the leader of the government removed from power even if it meant the use of force. The demise of the ruling government and its army was the source of a power vacuum that was left as a result, and the main cause for the civil war that ensued thereafter as the different factions that had fought together to oust the Major general now fought with one another as each tried to assume control of essential regions most notably, the country’s capital (Thomashausen, 2002). Groups that had once been allies turned into foes as they failed to see eye to eye and agree over who should assume control from the fallen general leading to bloody clashes in which countless of innocent lives were lost in the process as they were caught up in between the warring factions. Though the conflict existed before this time, the main focus will be on the war from 1991 onwards for the purpose of this essay. In the year 1992, the United Nations decided to become involved in the civil war through helping those who were affected by it via providing human relief to those who were affected as well as help restore order in the country. One of the ways in which the UN strived to achieve these objectives was

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Significance of Community College Faculty Development Programs Research Paper

Significance of Community College Faculty Development Programs - Research Paper Example Such is the philosophy behind faculty development. Colleges and universities encourage their faculty to engage in studies so they are well-equipped with the knowledge and skills to teach their students, who are mostly young adults who just graduated from high school, or even older adults who choose to keep on pursuing further studies. This paper aims to review, critique, and highlight the practical, and the scholarly significance of faculty development. Specifically, the review documents how faculty development impacts the duties, responsibilities and assigned tasks of faculty members, specifically in two-year colleges. II. Definition of Faculty Development In reviewing the literature, various definitions of faculty development are offered. One is by Nelson (1983): â€Å"Faculty development is any activity that is â€Å"designed to improve faculty performance in all aspects of their professional lives – as scholars, advisers, academic leaders, and contributors to institution al decisions† (p. 70). This definition identifies the roles that the faculty members take on when they assume their positions in their college or university. The roles enumerated reflect heavy responsibilities that require intelligence and skill. Sullivan (1983) agrees with Nelson’s definition in claiming faculty development’s concern in advancing the knowledge in one’s subject matter and mastering one’s own craft as it relates to teaching. Elbe & McKeachie (1985) follow suit in identifying faculty development as â€Å"college and university activities that are designed to "help faculty members improve their competence as teachers and scholars" (p. 35). These definitions point out to improving professional skills of the faculty, but on a more personal note, Rostek... This research illustrates that in reviewing the literature, various definitions of faculty development are offered. One is by Nelson: â€Å"Faculty development is any activity that is â€Å"designed to improve faculty performance in all aspects of their professional lives – as scholars, advisers, academic leaders, and contributors to institutional decisions†. This definition identifies the roles that the faculty members take on when they assume their positions in their college or university. The roles enumerated reflect heavy responsibilities that require intelligence and skill. Sullivan agrees with Nelson’s definition in claiming faculty development’s concern in advancing the knowledge in one’s subject matter and mastering one’s own craft as it relates to teaching. Elbe & McKeachie follow suit in identifying faculty development as â€Å"college and university activities that are designed to "help faculty members improve their competence as teachers and scholars". These definitions point out to improving professional skills of the faculty, but on a more personal note, Rostek & Kadivko add that the faculty’s professional development should include "purposeful learning experiences undertaken in response to individual needs". On a more collective scale, Centra defines faculty development as â€Å"college and university activities that are designed to "renew and maintain vitality of their staff†. Trends and issues in education develop in both breadth and depth. This process is faster due to technology and emerging modes of communication.